LSO Discovery Friday lunchtime concert, October 14, 2011

The film music of Dimitri Tiomkin is performed at Jerwood Hall, LSO St Luke’s, Old Street, London as part of the LSO’s focus on Tiomkin’s music during October. The concert is free. Read more.

Information: LSO Discovery Friday lunchtime concert

Date: Friday, October 14, 2011 at 12:30 p.m.
Venue: Jerwood Hall, LSO St Luke’s, London

“Not As a Stranger,” “Sweet Surrender,” “You Mean So Much to Me” (medley, Andrew Playfoot and Whitney Claire Kaufman)
“Do Not Forsake Me” from High Noon (Andrew Playfoot)
“Wild Is the Wind,” title song from the film (Whitney Claire Kaufman)
“Thee I Love” from Friendly Persuasion (Andrew Playfoot and Whitney Claire Kaufman)
“Why Can’t Oranges” (Whitney Claire Kaufman)
“Rockette Song” (Whitney Claire Kaufman)
“Rawhide,” theme song from the television show (Andrew Playfoot)
“There’s Never Been Anyone Else But You” and “This Then Is Texas” from Giant (Andrew Playfoot and Whitney Claire Kaufman)
(Program subject to change without notice.)

Composer: Dimitri Tiomkin
Conductor: Richard Kaufman
Vocalists: Andrew Playfoot and Whitney Claire Kaufman
Presenter: Rachel Leach
Performers: London Symphony Orchestra players, Guildhall School musicians, and visiting soloists from the U.S.
Concert series: LSO Discovery Friday lunchtime concert
Notes: Admission is free.

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